Title: PPC update day (5 CPD points) Date: 19h April 2022
Time: 9.30 am to 3.30 pm
Venue: Online via Zoom
Cost: £180 (no VAT)
Trainer: Jan Coulton
Certificate provided upon competition
The update day is recognised by the FMC as a PPC update day and will meet the PPC annual requirements.
As a PPC registered with the Family Mediation Council, you are required to ensure that you keep up to date with the information provided by the Family Mediation Council and Member Organisations in relation to the FMC self-regulatory framework, recommendations of good practice and matters relating to your Mediation and PPC practice.
A PPC must ensure that they undertake a minimum of five hours updating annually and that it is directly relevant to their role as a PPC. The PPC update will include changes brought in during the previous year, which include:
To register email: info.jancoulton@gmail.com or call 07879 404812