College is looking for PSC Members

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College is looking for PSC Members

Posted by: admin
Category: Articles, Jobs, Latest News
College of Mediators

Have an interest in ensuring the best possible standards for mediators?

Want to have active input in the creation of the rules and regulations to which you and your colleagues must follow?

Have ideas and opinions as to how the current standards should change and evolve to meet the needs of mediators?

Help to ensure mediation is respected as an equal Profession to others in the legal world!

Then the College needs you!

Professional Standards Committee (PSC)

Have you ever wondered how the rules and regulations you must follow to become a mediator and continue to practice, come about?

They are created by a small, but dedicated and very experienced panel of mediators, who will make recommendations to the Board in creating rules and processes for Members and the profession of mediation generally.

The PSC advise the board on best practice in mediation and contribute to the general ongoing development of the college and its code of practice for mediators.

The PSC also approve training courses for new or existing training providers who want to become College accredited trainers. There is also the opportunity to be involved in the delivery of college conferences and other events. An example of our recent work is the college’s diversity policy and the PSC are currently working on a code of practice for trainers and mediation standards in Elder mediation.

Join the PSC

The PSC is seeking new volunteer members to ensure the vital work they do continues and grows for the benefit of its members, mediation services and their business.

The PSC need people who know about mediation, who want to support our members with quality information and who want to contribute towards the work and growth of the College.

The College is keen to attract candidates of all professions, but in particular lawyer (solicitors/barristers/Filex) mediators (all areas, family, commercial, civil etc) who have particular skill sets which would be invaluable to the PSC.

People with radical ideas, opinions and commitment are welcome!

What is your committment?

  • Time and Energy!
  • Attendance at quarterly PSC meetings (usually online, occasionally in person)
  • Regular communication between the group between meetings
  • A commitment to the work of the college and happy to work on agreed tasks within the remit of the PSC, sometimes to strict deadlines

How do you apply?

  • Have at least 3 years post qualification experience (you need not be accredited) in one or more areas of mediation.
  • Submit a CV and no more than 2 pages of A4 detailing, your experience, areas of interest, how regular you mediate and the potential contributions you think you could offer, highlighting how your skills, specialisms or additional training you have, could help the work of the PSC.
  • You will be interviewed, most likely online, by 2 PSC members, usually the chair and 1 other, as delegated by the Board of Directors. (Where only 1 PSC member is available the second person will be a member of the Board)
  • A disciplinary record will not necessarily exclude you from applying
  • You will generally be notified of the outcome within 2 weeks
  • If successful, will be invited to the next available PSC meeting
  • Previous members of the PSC, wishing to re-join, will not be required to undertake the application process. They will have an informal discussion with the Chair about re-joining the committee

Please email all applications to with the subject heading “PSC Application”.