
22 Aug
Books on a shelf possibly in a library.
It really hurts when you’re wrong
Category: Articles, Latest News
Why do sensible people lose the ability to act rationally when they are in conflict? What makes some families tear themselves apart in petty squabbles so that family members don’t ...
22 Aug
stock of coloured books
Musings of a Modest Mediator
Category: Articles, Latest News
Last year I completed my one hundreth mediation (it’s 112 to date, at 80% settlement rate).  Now, a century may not be a huge number compared with those QCs who do nothing else, bu...
21 Aug
Books on a tidy shelf in what looks like an office.
What is the dispute really about?
Category: Articles, Latest News
When for some years I headed up a team of forensic accountants in my old national firm, as a matter of policy I always recruited people who were brighter than me.  They kept me on ...
20 Aug
A stack of different books.
Creative mediation
Category: Articles, Latest News
Mediation is now so well known that any competent lawyer can rattle off the advantages: quick, cheap, confidential, without prejudice, reduced risk of adverse costs, the parties ar...
19 Aug
Cup of coffee with 2 books on a table in a dark room.
Family inheritance mediation
Category: Articles, Latest News
I want to talk today about a particularly difficult problem which mediators are asked to address, namely disputes over family inheritance.  The reason they are so difficult is that...
04 Aug
College of mediators - PSC advisors needed
Have an interest in ensuring the best possible standards for mediators? Then the College needs you!
Category: Jobs, Latest News, News
Have an interest in ensuring the best possible standards for mediators? Want to have active input in the creation of the rules and regulations to which you and your colleagues must...
03 Aug
Tony Whatling M.Sc. CQSW
Meet our new Director Tony Whatling
Category: Articles, Latest News
What follows is a copy of an interview by a Portuguese magazine ‘Sabado’  20 years ago, where Tony had delivered a lecture at Porto University Law school, to an audience of Ministe...
31 Jul
Free places for level 3 mediator skills qualification
Category: Events, Latest News
Smile is offering free places on their level 3 mediator skills qualification to people who are willing to volunteer for Smile for 12 months after receiving their qualification. The...
27 Jul
Government response – Post Consultation report for the consultation paper ‘Increasing the use of mediation in the Civil Jurisdiction System’
Category: Latest News, News
Increasing the use of mediation in the civil justice system Government Response to Consultation Presented to Parliament by the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice by...
14 Jul
Research on Inheritance Disputes and Mediation
Category: Latest News
Dr Maria Moscati (Reader in Law and Society at University of Sussex) and Mr Andrew Sims (Independent Mediator in Full-time practice) are carrying out research on Inheritance Disput...