Shedding Light on the Research

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Shedding Light on the Research

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a A4 sheet of paper with a report and pie charts, on a desk with a laptop.


Fresh insights have emerged from the collaboration between ACAS and East Lancashire East Hospitals NHS Trust, offering a profound understanding of mediation and resolution in the context of the workplace. ACAS, a recognized authority in employment relations, brings its expertise to the forefront in addressing workplace challenges. The collaboration with the NHS trust adds a specific lens to the issue, illuminating the relevance of these insights in a high-stakes and emotionally-charged environment.

Embracing the Power of Workplace Mediation

In the realm of workplace conflicts, offering a structured and empathetic approach to addressing toxic behaviour. The research findings underscore the following key points:

  • Early Intervention Matters: The research highlights the importance of addressing conflicts at theirstages. Mediation serves as an avenue for early intervention, preventing issues from festering into deeply entrenched problems that can erode the fabric of the workplace.
  • A Neutral and Safe Space: Mediation provides an impartial environment where parties involved in the conflict can openly express their grievances, concerns, and viewpoints. This neutral territory fosters open communication and encourages collaborative problem-solving.
  • Communication: The Bridge to Resolution: Miscommunication and misunderstandings often fuel toxic behaviour. Mediators facilitate productive communication, ensuring that each party comprehends the other’s perspective. This understanding forms the basis for crafting lasting solutions.
  • Empowerment Through Collaboration: Unlike punitive measures, mediation empowers employees to actively participate in generating solutions. This collaborative approach not only addresses the immediate concern but also fosters a sense of ownership over the resolution process.
  • Beyond the Immediate Conflict: Mediation equips employees with conflict resolution skills that extend beyond the specific case. This skill set contributes to a culture of respectful dialogue, enriching the workplace environment in the long term.

A Word from the Original Source

This article is an adapted version of an insightful piece that initially appeared on NHS Employers, a reputable source for employment-related matters within the National Health Service. We extend our gratitude to NHS Employers for providing the original content that serves as the foundation for this exploration of workplace mediation.


The research conducted by ACAS in partnership with East Lancashire East Hospitals NHS Trust amplifies the significance of effective mediation and resolution strategies in the workplace. As organisations strive to nurture an environment where collaboration thrives, the transformative power of workplace mediation becomes increasingly evident. By addressing conflicts at their roots, promoting open dialogue, and fostering collaborative problem-solving, mediation serves for workplaces seeking to overcome the spectre of toxic behaviour. Through this article, we not only shed light on the valuable insights from the research but also credit the original source that laid the groundwork for this exploration: NHS Employers.

To read the full report click here: